Unless planning is your thing (if it is, I am jelous) budgeting a man cave can be daunting. There are so many things to keep track of! And that’s just making sure you have everything. Forget about making sure everything comes in under budget.
I defiantly struggled with these things during my man cave’s build. I ended up coming up with a solution that will save you all kinds of time (and probably money).
My goal was to make a tool for you that is super easy to use, doesn’t need any fancy software, and that is completely customizable once you get it.
What Is it?
At it’s core, this is a spreadsheet that will give suggestions for the different things you may need for all kinds of different man cave projects, it will calculate the price for them, and then it makes a nice budget sheet that is itemized and easy to visually understand.
At its core, this budget tool is two spreadsheets. One is for you to add in your projects and items to be totaled. The second sheet is will take that entered information and show it in an easy to understand visual display.

You can also break that itemized list down into as many “projects” as you want. This helps you look at each project, what you need, and easily know how much that project is going to cost you.
It can also make your life easier by calculating the price of flooring and other things by the square foot. This can come in really handy, since most flooring is sold by the square foot.

An Easy-To-Use Tool So You Can Focus On What You Actually Enjoy Doing
Who Is It For?
If you are a master at organizing and budgeting for big projects, this is NOT for you. I made this tool for people like me. For the average people who enjoy doing things themselves, saving money, and enjoying their hard work at the end of the project for years to come.
This tool is also for those of you out there who life things to be concrete, and easy to understand. I designed this budgeting tool to get rid of any uncertainty. Will will know, plan, and budget for everything you need, and nothing you don’t. Easy as that.

How Do You Get It?
I wanted to make sure that it was as easy as possible to get the budget tool. All you need to do is enter your email, and I will send you an email with a link to the Google Spreadsheet. No sketchy download required!
After you get the email, all you need to do is follow the directions on the first page of the spreadsheet. After you download it, you are free to make all the changes you want!

The Best Part Is, It’s 100% Free, But Not For Long
How Much Is It?
This budget tool is brand new. I don’t want to charge people for something that is in it’s first few versions! That’s just not fair.
So, the budget tool is currently completely free. All I ask is that you give me some feedback on it. I want to make it as useful as possible.
After you have some time to try out the tool, I will be sending you an email to ask how it is going, and if you have any suggestions.
Do You Have A Suggestion?
At the end of the day, I made this tool to help out other people. If you have a suggestion of a feature you would like to see, I am all ears! Let me know what you think or how I could improve the budget tool for you.
Did I forget something? Was something confusing? Let me know!