Finding the right flooring for your man cave is just as important as what will go in it after. I spent a long time looking for the right type of flooring. Since my man cave was created in an...
Category: Ideas
Man caves get a bad rap for being dark, dingy, and stuck in the dark ages. With all the new technology coming out, there are all kinds of cool things you can do. In this article, we will look at some...
If you are reading this article, it’s probably because you are trying to figure out how tall your bar top should be in your man cave or entertainment room. Despite what many would lead you to...
Is a Projector or TV Better For an Entertainment Room/Man Cave?
A question that is not asked as often as it should be while planning man caves is whether one should go with a projector or a flatscreen TV. The answer is not as simple as I first thought. Both...
An important decision I had to make was how I wanted to display my golf ball collection in my man cave. In this post, I will talk about some of the best options, their pros and cons, and some other...
I learned that one of the most important things to keep in mind while creating a man cave is ”make the most of the space I have”. I kept comparing my man cave to those crazy stock photos,...